After three weeks of social distancing and working from home, my single daughter and her daughter drove from out of town to our home. Single parenting is not for the faint of heart under normal circumstances. Working full-time while caring for a preschooler at the same time presents interesting and difficult challenges. For the sake of everyone’s sanity, the decision was made to hunker down together at our house for the duration of the “virus situation”.
So, for the past week my daughter is here working, my husband is home working, and G and I are getting lots of Nana/G time together. She is quite delightful, chatters constantly, and thrives on attention. I will admit my mind is reeling at all the questions she asks, such as: “Why does the sun stay out longer in the summer?” “Why did God create tornadoes?” and “Why do sharks live in the ocean?”
She has an HONORABLE CHARACTERTM chart at home, but it didn’t get packed to come to Nana’s house. On Thursday a big surprise arrived in the mail. Ms. Vicki sent us an HC chart! We quickly implemented its use, and I realized that G was ready for the elevated terms used on the elementary chart, particularly the word “Honor.”
Every time G responded well to a request from me, I noted how she had shown me honor and let her place a sticker next to the word. She loved the praise and recognition, and quickly understood the concept of responding well and with a happy heart. She even started letting me know when I had honored her.
Using the HC home version sets the expectations and leaves more time for doing fun things… like answering the questions “Why did God create fire ants?” and “When will all this virus stuff be over?”
Using HC literally changes the atmosphere. Instead of pointing out what is wrong, we begin pointing out what is right. In the midst of negative headlines about coronavirus, it is a breath of fresh air to hear and speak encouraging words!
Liz K.
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A system created by teachers for teachers, the Honorable Character story began in 1984 with a high-spirited, first-grader named Brad, who’s outgoing social side of his personality resulted in corrections from his teacher for excessive talking. The school’s approach to classroom management showed only one side of Brad’s character and he was picking up the wrong message as a result…
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